Ultimate JAILBREAK Night #2

Temperature -15

Total amount $705.00

Goal $5000.00

11:00pm- I arrive at the shelter after working all day. The dogs greet me with some singing and talking. The cats begin their meowing as well.

12:30am- after going around and giving all the animals some attention I settle down for the night.

1am- I hear a cat fight in the cage beside me. They are a rowdy bunch. It stops shortly after.

2:45am- I got some uninterrupted hours, yay! Dogs let out a bark a few cages down and the entire place starts to bark. I am freezing so I get up to check on the dog situation and turn up the heat.

Bug is the culprit behind the dogs barking.

3:15am- I get back into bed and try warm up/ sleep again. The dogs are up now and keep going in and out. Does anyone sleep here ? I start to wonder how they function off of a few hours because I could use some tips.

5:50am- I hear a cat fall and crash into something. it didn’t sound like the cat landed on its feet. I lay there and listen. I can hear the cat jump back up. Please don’t fall again kitty. My own dogs are passed out and don’t hear any other dogs. So I roll over.

6:30am- I decide to get up for the day as the dogs are up and the morning volunteer will be coming for their shift shortly. I check in on all the animals before leaving. Off to work a shift at Kingdom golf.

Night #2 done.

Stayed tuned for night #3. 👏🏼

TO DONATE VIA ETRANSFER PLEASE EMAIL TO MLDHS@SASKTEL.NET; IT WILL BE SET UP AS AUTODEPOSIT BUT PLEASE INDICATE IN THE MEMO ‘JAILBREAK’ . Then please email to the same email address if you’d like a tax receipt along with the address for us to mail the receipt to. Any amount is greatly greatly appreciated. ❤️

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